I am a high school student at Johns Creek High School with interests in Genomics, data science, medicine, and AI, as I aspire to become a researcher in the field of biomedical sciences. Currently, I am interning on an innovative project aimed at developing a biomarker for thyroid cancer prognosis and therapeutics at Harvard Medical School. In my pursuit to make a difference in the field of cancer treatment, I am actively involved in the creation of a system for low-cost pathology image scanners, specifically designed for cancer diagnosis. By championing this initiative, I hope to enhance accessibility and affordability, ensuring that patients receive accurate and timely assessments for effective treatment. Beyond my scientific pursuits, I find deep fascination in history, reveling in the stories and narratives that have shaped our world. Furthermore, I channel my creativity through the meticulous construction of intricate 3D models of historic scenes, using the precision of a 3D printer. This unique blend of historical curiosity and technical skills empowers me to breathe life into these models, rendering them in stunning detail.

With a multidisciplinary approach and an unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on society, I am poised to become a catalyst for change as the next generation of aspiring scientists and researchers.

aarav dot bhasin08 at gmail dot com

Education Initiative

Python Course: Coding For Cure

With my profound interest in data science and my certification as a Python programmer, I am excited to embark on a new endeavor: teaching an introductory Python course to students who share a passion for data science, along with donating all of the proceeds to Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center

My Python Beginner course is designed to ignite your child's interest in coding and equip them with the fundamental skills for Python programming!

Throughout this engaging and hands-on course, we will cover the essential building blocks of Python that include:

  • The Basic Fundamentals of Python

  • The Usage of Functions and Modules

  • How to use External Libraries

  • How to create GUI's

  • Basic AI in Python


Analysis of Genomics and Imaging data for Disease Diagnosis
  • Developed a Python workflow for the analysis of gene expression data from Thyroid cancers to identify genes associated with thyroid cancer.

  • Assisted in the development of a platform based on deep -learning for infection and ischemia detection in the wound along with analysis of sequential changes in the wounds.

  • Developed a Python program for stitching highly multiplexed serial tumor and normal tissue histopathology images .

Science Olympiad Career

Participated in science olympiad throughout middle school, gaining multiple awards at both the state and invitational level. Some of the most notable are:

  • 2nd Place(State)- Green Generation(Biology)

  • 4th Place(State)- Crave the Wave(Wave Dynamics)

  • 8th Place(State)- Machines(Physics and simple machines)

  • Multiple first places from many invitationals

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out to me for any inquiries